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  1. gibmom

    dead duck

    Thank you for the replies. Sure don't want it to ever happen again!!
  2. gibmom

    dead duck

    He had a gaping hole in his side. The drakes had been fighting some. They seemed tense. It is hard to believe the drakes did it, but what predator would kill one bird in broad daylight and leave the dead behind and not get any other bird? Would a hawk do that?
  3. gibmom

    dead duck

    Ok. It's an electric fence but it wasn't turned on. So I shouldn't assume the drakes killed him? I've never seen a weasel here. We have raccoons but I've never seen one out during the day. My ducks are really loud when they're upset but I didn't hear anything from them.
  4. gibmom

    dead duck

    I have a small flock of 5 golden hybrid ducks. I am babysitting 10 mallards : 6 drakes and 4 hens. When I went out to put them in their night time cage, one of the drakes was dead. He was torn up. I had them in a fenced area separate but within view of my girls. I didn't see signs of a predator...
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