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  1. heritagegirls1

    Brooding hen...starving Help!

    I found with my broody she wasn't getting off the nest either. We would lift her off once every day in the evening. I made a watery oatmeal mixture and would put that down alongside of normal layer pellet and some scratch. The oatmeal was a hit, and I felt better knowing she was getting fluids...
  2. heritagegirls1

    Brooding hen...starving Help!

    Our Hen hatched 9/12 eggs on February 9th. While she was setting the eggs we would take her off once everyday and set her on the ground near food and water. I would usually clean an area on the floor with a push broom then put down some scratch and layer pellet as well as a 1 cup or so of warm...
  3. heritagegirls1

    Brooding hen...starving Help!

    I have a broody hen that is day 10 on a clutch of 12 eggs. She was a committed broody for an entire month and is also very skinny. She is a very sweet hen, and I don't want to lose her. Every evening we take her off the eggs and put scratch, hen feed, and warm oatmeal down on the floor with the...
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