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  1. highcountrychickens

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: I didn't. Poorly worded, perhaps, but nothing wrong with the core intent. He seems to do a lot of poorly wording, not sure which is worse, bad intent or plain ignorance in a POTUS. Now you guys started this soooo you can keep at it or let it drop. It is off topic but I darn sure am not...
  2. highcountrychickens

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: Have you been in combat? I see very little similarity between a female cop and a woman in direct combat. I retired from the Corps in 1993. The most highly-skilled Marine I ever served with was GSarg Sedona Mendez. She was tiny and weighed MAYBE 100 lbs. She was a hand-to-hand...
  3. highcountrychickens

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: Have you ever heard of the Night Witches? They were women combat pilots who flew only at night... they had slightly better kill and safety ratios to the men who flew during the day... Women Air Service Pilots (WASP) flew over six million miles during WWII, delivering planes, towing...
  4. highcountrychickens

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    This has been a fascinating thread... I have for once taken the time to read each post, and really respect the strength of logic and thought that has gone into the posts to create what the title said... a civil, open Meeting of the Minds. Through my prickly opinion, I understand more. I see...
  5. highcountrychickens

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Heelers&Chickens_OhMy : Quote: If a criminal isn't scared off, and you have an unloaded gun... then what? Are you going to throw it at them?
  6. highcountrychickens

    Gun Owners and Non-Gun Owners should come to a Meeting of the Minds

    Quote: Thank you for posting this... I was looking for it to post in this thread but couldn't find it... Here I am, a gun owner, (hand guns, rifles, shotguns...) a hunter, and a personal safety, property and livestock protector. I live in Wyoming. I'm vocal about it if pressed, but find it...
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