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  1. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    Then after that will be green acres huh? I love that show!
  2. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    Ag! Cant wait to see the new name tonight! What happens when you run out of walton names? Fact of life is next?
  3. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    Hey there deb! new g'nite thread tonight or or are you recycling this one and reusing it?
  4. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    I am slowly falling asleep. See you all tomorrow morning Night Night
  5. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    Lol! I dont know. Becca is usually posting and so is maple. Did they go into the 3rd dimension?
  6. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    No thanks. We have a golden retirever that smashes storm windows with her face and chews up the bed, plugs and runs away without ever listening to you as your screaming obscene words down the road and everyone looking at you while your doing it.
  7. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    Lol. with over 100 quail it has to hurt his head trying to catch them all.
  8. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    What an adorable puppy! We got guard chikens and dogs. Oh yeah and a guard duck.
  9. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    Lol! My moms BR's attacked a squirrel today. He was trying to eat there layer feed.
  10. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    Lol arnt they so adorable. I dont know if you read my other post but I lost 5 last night to my dog . I only have 1 left and he keeps peeping.
  11. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    I am on ebay. Trying to get me some buttons.
  12. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    Quote: Yep! ready to pounce my little field mouse! I am trying to win these quail eggs but someone keeps outbidding me
  13. hypnofrogstevie

    G'Nite Olivia

    hey deb!
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