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  1. instar8

    ~Setting chicken eggs Sept. 7th.~

    Quote: Hate to be morbid, but what is the preferred method to put down a suffering chick? I ran my temps lower this time, closer to 99 average of 3 thermometers, and humidity around 40. I didn't raise humidity til the first one pipped internally, would've waited for external, but had to go to...
  2. instar8

    ~Setting chicken eggs Sept. 7th.~

    Mine did the same thing. That's what they do. We all think OH No we can't give chicks nothing but chick starter, not so, as you can see above. Prior to this year, i always had my broodies hatch chicks, but raised them indoors because i have a lot of predators, and i just didn't trust the other...
  3. instar8

    ~Setting chicken eggs Sept. 7th.~

    Forgot...hey that ova-view candler is great for lighting upthe incubator. Makes it MUCH easier to read the thermometer and humidity gauge, and to tell how the water level's doing!
  4. instar8

    ~Setting chicken eggs Sept. 7th.~

    In fidget mode here...i more or less locked down yesterday, took out the 4 quitters, just have two lonely eggs...of course that screwed up my temp, which had been just fine in my cheapie hovabator...i fiddled with it most of the day, and it had been right where i wanted it for 6 hrs when i went...
  5. instar8

    ~Setting chicken eggs Sept. 7th.~

    I couldn't help a peek this morning. Definitely two chicks, very active, air space looks appropriate for age. I'm not even gonna count to two till i see fuzzy butts, but i'm thinking these are gonna be spoiled chookies for sure.
  6. instar8

    ~Setting chicken eggs Sept. 7th.~

    I candled Mon, 2 of my 6 BLRWs have VERY lively babies, i don't think they like that hi-intensity light! 2 have a lot of blood vessels and dark areas, 2...not so much. THey're very dark shelled-eggs, it's hard to see, plus the air cells are floating, so i don't want to juggle them around tooooo...
  7. instar8

    ~Setting chicken eggs Sept. 7th.~

    I wanted to put my last 6 eggs for this year on today, BLRWs, but it took longer than i thought to clean the funk from the last batch out of the's "preheating" now, but i have to work 6P-6A, so i'll set them first thing tomorrow when i'm home to watch the temp. My first two...
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