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  1. iwiw60

    First egg or getting sick?

    Not sure what's coming out of their butts!!!
  2. iwiw60

    First egg or getting sick?

    Well, it's not really 'wrong' but you cut back on their protein intake by switching them over so soon. I wouldn't worry about it. I would just keep a close eye on her for the next few days....if she's not showing really visible signs of illness such as laying down all the time, breathing...
  3. iwiw60

    First egg or getting sick?

    It sounds to me like she's getting ready to lay her first egg. My girls were very restless right the coop, outta the the coop, outta the coop...bwoking like crazy, drove me nuts. They will lay their first egg when you least expect it! I wouldn't worry at this point, but...
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