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  1. jesfields

    HELP 8 day old chicks dying

    Well thanks so much everyone for your time and help! ill check over on the cornish and meat bird threads
  2. jesfields

    HELP 8 day old chicks dying

    They are unfortunatley only 8 days old
  3. jesfields

    HELP 8 day old chicks dying

    At only 8 days old? We have lost 6 of 25 already and it doesnt seem like its slowing down. Anything i can do to help the remaining ones or is this just the weak ones dying off?
  4. jesfields

    HELP 8 day old chicks dying

    We are raising both cornish rock giants and brown leghorns. They were all doing perfect until yesterday when the cornish rock giants suddenly started dying. They almost look too heavy to stand and gasp for air while lying down. One of them almost seemed paralyzed and layed down stiff. We have...
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