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  1. lavendermarie

    Black Sex Link Possibly Laying Blue/Green Eggs?

    That’s definitely a possibility, probably the most likely. Crazy!
  2. lavendermarie

    Black Sex Link Possibly Laying Blue/Green Eggs?

    I got some pictures to get you before we figured out the egg was for sure her’s, but I’ll put them here anyways. 😂 Or at least, this was most of them.
  3. lavendermarie

    Black Sex Link Possibly Laying Blue/Green Eggs?

    I believe she is a black sex link because that’s what she was sold to me as from the store, but as you stated previously, I have no idea about North40’s quality control or anything of the sort. So, that could incorrect, it could be possible she’s a cross of some sort. As I stated in my most...
  4. lavendermarie

    Black Sex Link Possibly Laying Blue/Green Eggs?

    Thank you everybody for your advice and replies, and I’m sorry I’m getting back to this post so late! I was going to do the food coloring test that was mentioned, which was really smart, but I saw her in her box earlier and was able to actually watch her lay the egg herself, and the green eggs...
  5. lavendermarie

    Black Sex Link Possibly Laying Blue/Green Eggs?

    Last year, I got some chickens from North40, including black sex links, who just started laying recently. I noticed some very round blue/green ish eggs and though it differed a bit in color from my regular EE eggs, I assumed it was from one of my new EEs. However, today I collected an egg from...
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