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  1. little_grey_bantam

    Oy Vey - nearly 100% hatch rate for shipped eggs!

    I have a pretty crappy incubator, which could be why I get terrible hatch rate. It seems we purchase a new incubator every couple of months and they like to SPIKE TEMPERATURES while we are gone! We CANNOT leave anywhere or the temperature spikes (coincidence... EH???). It seems like a Brinsea...
  2. little_grey_bantam

    Oy Vey - nearly 100% hatch rate for shipped eggs!

    Ugh, that's what happened to my first box and one of my boxes were lost (the ones I shipped out, not received lol). The lost one turned out alright, the one that got smashed... not so much I've only had two boxes that didn't hatch out very well, less than 25% hatch rate, but everyone else gets...
  3. little_grey_bantam

    Oy Vey - nearly 100% hatch rate for shipped eggs!

    Quote: WHat do you mean by brutalized??? like smashed or just didn't hatch? I think we had 4-5 hatch out of 24 from one time 0 from another time 2 from 24 this time lol and we just got another package... 24 i believe... hatch date is in a week and a half cross yer fingers!!! I have a pair of...
  4. little_grey_bantam

    Oy Vey - nearly 100% hatch rate for shipped eggs!

    I sent out eggs a month ago, the gentleman told me 12 hatched out only 3 didn't (3 were extras). So he pretty much got 100% hatch rate... LOL, I don't even get that with my own unshipped eggs!! Let alone shipped eggs!! I get a high percentage at times, but never that high!!! hahahahhahaha...
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