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  1. maryn7

    2 year old barred rock molted in Oct and again in Feb - is that normal?

    It's so undignified, especially the bare butts and necks; I always feel so bad for them. Depending on the feed you use, a high protein feed usually helps with feather growth (my girls are always on a 20% chick starter with oyster on the side). I also usually hand out some wet cat food...
  2. maryn7

    2 year old barred rock molted in Oct and again in Feb - is that normal?

    My LB did the same thing. She's a year and a half and it's her first molt. She lost all her butt and neck feathers - not a hard molt, but definitely a molt - about late Oct/early Nov. Started laying again. Then thinned out her back about a month and a half ago. Started laying again. Now she's...
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