1. muddy75

    Ended BYC's 2021 Spooktacular Halloween Hatch-Along—Trick or Treat & Count These Things that are Good to Eat—How Many M & M's?

    Subsequent contest decisions are made based on how quickly the first round moves along.
  2. muddy75

    Ended BYC's 2021 Spooktacular Halloween Hatch-Along—Trick or Treat & Count These Things that are Good to Eat—How Many M & M's?

    The first contest started at noon. This was the second yesterday that started at 5. We will be starting next week around noon with the first contest and I’ll be sure to tag you!!!!
  3. muddy75

    Ended BYC's 2021 Spooktacular Halloween Hatch-Along—Trick or Treat & Count These Things that are Good to Eat—How Many M & M's?

    I’m not familiar with the exact time difference where you are……what time in eastern standard time would work best for you????? We’ve been trying to vary times somewhat to be as inclusive as possible.
  4. muddy75

    Ended BYC's 2021 Spooktacular Halloween Hatch-Along—Trick or Treat & Count These Things that are Good to Eat—How Many M & M's?

    So much fun!!!!!! I’ve got to start making the final decisions for next week’s FINALE!!!!! HINT: these were EASY 😝
  5. muddy75

    Ended BYC's 2021 Spooktacular Halloween Hatch-Along—Trick or Treat & Count These Things that are Good to Eat—How Many M & M's?

    This was one of the first contests I set up and there’s 5 peeps in my house Candy doesn’t stand a chance!!!!
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