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  1. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    It's still a tad early to tell, but nothing is screaming cockerel as of now. can you update us in a couple of weeks?
  2. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    It's still to early to tell, but I think I see red patches coming in on his back. A comb shot would help.
  3. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Nope, you are cockerel free.
  4. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    100% Cockerel.
  5. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    How old are they? This is the only one looking cockerel-ish.
  6. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    It looks like a cockerel to me.
  7. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    I think you have 2 pullets. The combs on both are still pale, and the red does not look red enough to be rooster red.
  8. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Nothing shouting rooster as of now, I'm going to vote pullet.
  9. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Yes, I think you are right, your girl's even color and small comb is shouting ''I'm a pullet''.
  10. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    It's still too early to tell gender, but nothing is shouting rooster as of now. Update us in a few weeks!
  11. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Still looking like a pullet.
  12. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Looks like a pullet.
  13. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    That is certainly a rooster, I'm still not sure on breed though.
  14. mymilliefleur

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Both look like pullets, I'm not sure on the rooster in the back round, maybe a hatchery quality silver laced wyandotte? It could be an EE though.
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