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  1. oldhenlikesdogs

    Ducks huddled and panting

    I would set them up in a shady area of the yard with some pans so they can start swimming in to stay cooler, but it's been a few years since I brooder ducks, perhaps @chickens really has some better advice.
  2. oldhenlikesdogs

    Ducks huddled and panting

    Do they have a water container deep enough to submerge their bills to clean out the nostrils?
  3. oldhenlikesdogs

    Ducks huddled and panting

    Perhaps a slight respiratory problem, or even blocked nostrils come to mind.
  4. oldhenlikesdogs

    Ducks huddled and panting

    I'm glad it worked. My turkeys do the same thing when the light goes out, they pile and complain, it's their mom. I slowly wean mine off it, leaving it off at times, and turning it on later each evening.
  5. oldhenlikesdogs

    Ducks huddled and panting

    Have you been using a heat lamp with them full time for the past 2 weeks? Sometimes when the light goes out they get stressed. You could try shining a regular light on them and see if it helps. They end up treating the light like it's their mom sometimes.
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