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  1. pips&peeps


    I was so thrilled last night, I thought Sun and Jin both made it off the island. Then I realized it was a flash forward for Sun and and flash back for Jin.... Now who are the six? Jack Kate Hurley Sun Sayed Who is the sixth? Aaron?? The person who died?? or Ben???
  2. pips&peeps


    I think Ben is creepy too! Most of those guys on the show are "eyecandy". I think Aaron was sleeping and his face was red, now that you mention it. I won't be able to watch the "captioned" show on Thursday as I will be watching Survivor and taping Smallville on the DVR, only two tv's. Wish...
  3. pips&peeps


    And did the child Kate was hugging look like he perhaps had Downs? My daughter has downs and I think I would have noticed, unless I have just gotten used to the facial differences. Either that or I was typing a post here on the BYC while I was watching. I might have to go download the episode...
  4. pips&peeps


    Well, if you count Ben and Aaron, that is six..... But you probably can't because someone died....... who was that????????? Aaron could also be Kate and Sawyers kid. Maybe she named her possible son after the little boy on the island. Remeber that she said something to Jack about if you can't...
  5. pips&peeps


    Waahh, I'm on pacific time. It's only about a quarter after five.
  6. pips&peeps


    I just hope I can stay up and watch the whole thing. I too, fell asleep during the part where Hugo saves the day. From the previews, it looks like Locke was right not to call those people for help. When are the "others" going to figure out Ben needs a good old old fashioned "stoning". They...
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