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  1. rarely bored


    Quote: Adorable!!! Wanna hug them all.
  2. rarely bored


    Quote: So glad you got a good 'un!!! and after seeing where you live, perhaps the mention of evening was wrong. So glad you had a succesful hatch!!! How many more to go? Hihi, yep the time difference hahaha it's 23.00 hours overhere... 5 to go, 4 have a pip, not quit sure about number...
  3. rarely bored


    Quote: So glad you got a good 'un!!! and after seeing where you live, perhaps the mention of evening was wrong. So glad you had a succesful hatch!!! How many more to go?
  4. rarely bored


    Quote: So glad you didn't give up! A misworking incubator would be soo frustrating. Hope you get a few out by this evening...
  5. rarely bored


    Quote: Exciting!! Have any of your previous attempts at hatching made it to the pip stage?
  6. rarely bored


    Sounds good!! Hope you all have great hatches!
  7. rarely bored


    Crazy! Had to dig all the way to page 7 to find this thread! The month is almost over! Any more hatches coming???
  8. rarely bored


    Status is the same since 1 o'clock... so hard to sit on my hands. So, I'll post some pictures!!! and two shipped eggs that hatched, and one from my flock: now to facebook...
  9. rarely bored


    I take the rails out -- do not want to hinder the little guys from getting out! two of the are shipped eggs!!! three more eggs have pipped total of 9 more to hatch! pictures coming soon.
  10. rarely bored


    Quote: Oh No!! That is not good. I do hope you figure out the quirks, or brinsea gives you the support you need to have your next hatch be excellent.
  11. rarely bored


    Quote: I have a hygrometer, which I faithfully watched the first hatch. Now that I'm at my 4th hatch, I just toss the thing in there once or twice a week, to make sure the bator isn't too dry. When lockdown occurs, I add the water and a wet cloth below the basket, and when the window fogs up...
  12. rarely bored


    Quote: One of the best things to wake up to!
  13. rarely bored


    Candled last night! There are 20 developing well, with one more that looks like it is developing, but isn't quite right (maybe my inexperience) and 4 that look clear. I'll recheck the ones that look clear on the 10th just to be sure. Of the 13 shipped eggs 9 look good.
  14. rarely bored


    Quote: For lockdown, I fill the water compartments up, then place a shammie type cloth (got 'em at Trader Joe's) on the floor, set the basket of eggs on top of that, then put the lid back on. Typically the window fogs up a little bit around the edges and I call that good. Since it is hard to...
  15. rarely bored


    For the fun of it, I candled a few eggs last night, mainly to see if the shipped eggs were doing ok. Picked up the egg #1, and noticed a long crack in it!!! and when candled, saw veins!! but the aircell is loose and large for the age of the egg. Will it hatch?? We are only on day 6 or 7...
  16. rarely bored


    Quote: Good job!! That is great! So far, I always have at least one that doesn't make it all the way.
  17. rarely bored


    Quote: I have 13 orpingtons (shipped) and 12 barnyard mix (bo's, brxbo and rirxbo) due on the 21st.
  18. rarely bored


    Quote: One of my hens is broody, so yes, I do have multiple hatch dates. If I name the hen Brinsea can I use her for the contest?? The Brinsea FB page sure is filling up with April hatches! All the newborn cuties are amazing!! Staceykins, bummer on the eggs ... will be...
  19. rarely bored


    Quote: Oh well. I'll still play along for the company though. If it makes you feel better, that is what most of us are doing here anyhow... the odds of winning seems to be slimmer each month! I got EGGS!!!! REAL Orpington eggs!!! I'm soooo excited!! Time to upgrade from hatchery...
  20. rarely bored


    Quote: My husband enabled me!! thanks for the well wishes. Should be getting some shipped eggs at the end of this week... will come back and give you the dates and such when I know them. Have a Brinsea Eco 20, and have had 3 very succesful hatches so far.
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