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  1. roostersandhens

    Roostersandhen's Chicken Updates and Stories

    Thanks! I am currently searching for spent hens! :)
  2. roostersandhens

    Roostersandhen's Chicken Updates and Stories

    Thanks! They all have a coop, they go in it at night and free-range during the day. And I have 7 roosters, and they do fight.. I am currently fixing the problem, the fight roosters, actually lead to me making a chicken rescue lol!
  3. roostersandhens

    Roostersandhen's Chicken Updates and Stories

    Every few days or so, I will update on my feathered friends! I currently have 22 chickens. Mixes, EEs, an Ameraucauna, Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, and Rhode Island Reds. Here are some pictures of my chickens:
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