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  1. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    Merry Christmas! Pirate is still alive and she's perky. I put her in with the rabbit does (they're bizarrely friendly and tiny, Netherland Dwarves) and they were all 3 laying together under the heat lamp. She seems happier in a bigger space so hopefully she's eating.
  2. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    The children have named this duck Pirate. I hope she's taking little nibbles of food. She's perky and her wounds and neck look great. I'm shocked her neck was able to heal from the state it was in the first day. Her poop ranges from mint to hunter green- what does that indicate?
  3. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    If she makes it I pick up her friend on 1/8. <3 The breeder has a disabled Cayuga hen she's trying to give away.
  4. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    She's not twitching today. I did not tube feed her last night or today. She's terrified of me now since I tube fed her so she won't drink while I'm holding a bowl for her anymore. She has wet mash and water of course- whether she's nibbling at it is anyone's guess. The injuries are healing. So...
  5. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    Today is day 6. The head wound is healing nicely and her neck control is improved to the point she can dip her head down to a bowl without assistance.
  6. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    I need help. I'm tube feeding 2x daily but she's having neurological symptoms like twitching and spinning in circles. She seems very stressed and tube feeding is not sustainable long-term. How long did you do this for? I am unsure at what point I should humanely euthanize her since I don't want...
  7. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    These are new symptoms since this AM.. her wounds are healing and her neck control is vastly improved.
  8. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    She's still showing some neurological-type symptoms like twitching and spinning in circles. Am I not feeding her enough? I'm tube feeding 2x daily (AM and evening.) I'm not giving any meds, just electrolytes in her water.
  9. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    Okay y'all would be very proud of me I ran to Agway, got a kit and some expensive mash, put it in the blender with warm water and tube fed her. My husband "helped" but didn't know to hold the tube onto the syringe while pushing so I was wearing half of it. But it's done.
  10. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    Okay I watched the video, I can do that. But what do I call the syringe and tube? I'm looking on Tractor Supply and can't find it- not sure what other kinds of stores would carry?
  11. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    Yes she drinks. So the only things she has eaten since being injured are liquid - raw eggs, watermelon puree, apple puree, the liquid sweet peas came in and maybe a few little chunks. She only has a little, she prefers water. Not sure at what point I should tube feed?
  12. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    She is still alive. Her neck control is improving, her head no longer falls when we pick her up to move her to the bath. Main concern at this point is she is eating so very minimally. The breeder I got her from said she has a small Cayuga hen with a deformity she will give me for free to keep...
  13. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    I clipped them away from the head wound which is the deep wound. The eye was sort of popped, I'm rinsing with colloidal silver and putting erythromyin opthalmic antbx on it.
  14. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    I'll pass on the super glue. The wounds are weeping and I believe they need to.
  15. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    Thank you. Yes I'm doing human clindamycin orally with electrolytes and erythromycin topical on wounds that I can see. The eye and head punctures are weeping clear/look appropriate. The neck feathers are still caked with dried blood even after the bath. I don't want to mess with her neck too...
  16. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    I did 1/4 of a 200mg Ibuprofen pill ground up with electrolytes and some homeopathic arnica and that did the trick. She (now I know it's the hen because she finally quacked and that's the only way I can tell them apart) had a warm bath and loved that. She drank a lot and walked around the bath...
  17. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    He is still alive this AM. I took the ace bandage off and he drank well and had better neck control as far as raising it and tipping his head back to drink. Wouldn't eat mushy carrots. Will try some ibuprofen then a bath and more foods once that kicks in. Ty everyone.
  18. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    My husband went out and walked the property with the rifle but of course that didn't result in anything. We can't put traps under the coop because a family of groundhogs lives under it and they're harmless. Minks/fishers/etc. are so disgusting, they just killed them all for sport. 2 Crevecoeurs...
  19. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    Any ideas for pain? I have homeopathic arnica, children's liquid ibuprofen, bute from the horses? Not sure if any of those are safe.
  20. rootandbloom

    Need help fast - duck attacked

    I did chick electrolytes and clindamycin in warm water and he drank it. I did colloidal silver rinse on wounds and cut a bit of feathers but didn't want to mess with his neck too much tonight. I had erythromycin ophthalmic antbx from the cat so I put that on his eye and head. I lightly wrapped...
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