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  1. snaffle

    Finally chicks after several years thanks to Peter Brown

    Nancy my first thought was that the incubator was a problem, so I borrowed 5 eggs from a friend who owned buff orpingtons and hatched 3. I can understant anyone jumping the gun and thinking I have a serious epidemic going on here. Even the simplest bacteria can cause infertility or a live...
  2. snaffle

    Finally chicks after several years thanks to Peter Brown

    walkswithdog thank you for your suggestion
  3. snaffle

    Finally chicks after several years thanks to Peter Brown

    oh good grief walkswithdog.. get a grip. I didnt write about the weak chicks during those years .. that just didnt make it.. or couldnt get out of the eggs. Those 3 chicks that hatched out where the ONLY 3 eggs under that hen. If you read my op slower you would have read that the other hen...
  4. snaffle

    Finally chicks after several years thanks to Peter Brown

    Each year for the past 4 years I would set 60 to 100 eggs in my incubator and under hens. I would only have 3 to 6 chicks hatch out. I would put meds in the water and nothing improved. I was finally put in touch with Peter Brown the "chicken doctor" from FIRST STATE VET SUPPLY...
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