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  1. speckledhen

    Speckledhen Eggs ......Day 20....Update 2 pips!!

    Mine are slow, too, Karen. The last two Barred Rocks have large holes in them. The Orpington is a splash, as I thought. Two BRs and the Orp are out with Glenda and when these two hatch and fluff a bit, they'll go out too. Then I'll call my prospective buyer and see if they still want these.
  2. speckledhen

    Speckledhen Eggs ......Day 20....Update 2 pips!!

    I use pencil to mark them. And I know some of the girls' eggs without seeing them lay, like Lexie's. Some of them, I need to see who laid the egg-especially the newer layers.
  3. speckledhen

    Speckledhen Eggs ......Day 20....Update 2 pips!!

    Their siblings are pipped here at my house, too. They need to get a move on here!
  4. speckledhen

    Speckledhen Eggs ......Day 20....Update 2 pips!!

    When I can, I always mark eggs with who laid them so I can see if one of the ladies starts having too many unfertilized or they just dont hatch well. Its how I found out that my Lt. Brahma's eggs, though fertilized, will never develop. Must be some genetic issue. She's perfectly healthy otherwise.
  5. speckledhen

    Speckledhen Eggs ......Day 20....Update 2 pips!!

    Yippee!!! My Glenda has several eggs hatched under her already. Cant see exactly how many, but I think 3. Day 20 here, too.
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