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  1. tnchickenut

    New to Ducks...what should I know?

    Quote: It's not recommended they live in the hen house... duck houses are simple four wall construction, though. Yes, they lay like chickens... some breeds better than others. You can eat the eggs but some people don't like the taste and other prefer it. They lay on nests they make themselves...
  2. tnchickenut

    New to Ducks...what should I know?

    Non medicated chick starter (medicated can be toxic to ducks)... add niacin (human suppliment section of about any store) to their water once a day (chickens don't need as much as ducks) so they don't get a niacin deficency... LOTS of water to drink.... Be ready (AND I MEAN FAST) for them to go...
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