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  1. tofuranch

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    I was just checking dates and I have chickens due Sat , I didn't realize that we are hatching at the same time. I have more than one incubator going and it has been busy.....time to more them to the hatcher and to see how many hatch. I love this part. I can't wait to hear how many you have...
  2. tofuranch

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    You will get more than one to hatch, I am hoping that you get lots. I have some hatching right now, eggs that I had shipped in and they didn't make the trip to me in very good shape. As of right this second, I have 5 leghorns and 4 rir babies getting dry and more pips. I wasn't thinking that...
  3. tofuranch

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Hey..I will be in PHX in the next week....your extras could take a road trip with me, LOL...really I am just kidding I am busy making more here....I think that my name should be Everythings Hatching
  4. tofuranch

    DAY OLD PICS! post #225. 12 hatched!

    Well My first set up wasn't anything as "advanced" as yours. I had the cheap thermometer, didn't keep enough water in the incubator tray and I had 36 out of 42 hatch.....and 4 of the ones that didn't hatch were because they had cracks from the beginning. So relax and let it flow and you will...
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