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  1. waddles99

    RIR - 16.5wks Old Roo or Hen

    Well, if you want eggs....well they don't call them production reds for nothing! I keep a few production reds for eggs. Nothing wrong with them, they look nice, are friendly, and lay like crazy! Edit: Yes, you will probably be getting a crow, unfortunately. If he was bigger you could make...
  2. waddles99

    RIR - 16.5wks Old Roo or Hen

    Its hard to tell because (no offense) the bird is poorly bred and thus cannot be identified very easily by normal characteristics of RIR roos or hens. In heritage birds, even at 16 weeks, the difference is amazing. Go to this page...
  3. waddles99

    RIR - 16.5wks Old Roo or Hen

    Well, heritage breeds are traditionally meant to fill multiple purposes. If you are looking for meat as well as eggs, then heritage RIR would fit those purposes. The livestock conservancy says that heritage, non industrial RIR may be the most successful dual purpose bird out there. The RIR was...
  4. waddles99

    RIR - 16.5wks Old Roo or Hen

    Well, frankly, the real reason if that even though they say they are RIR, if they don't come close to the breed standard, they cannot be classified as that breed. Hatchery bred "RIR" are so far away from the breed standard that they shouldn't even be classified as such. They will make a fine...
  5. waddles99

    RIR - 16.5wks Old Roo or Hen

    Tractor supply and other feed stores are very untrustworthy sources for quality birds. I'm sorry you had to be lied to about them, but it is not too late to get some good quality birds. Remember, it doesn't matter what they were sold as, if they don't look like RIR, they probably aren't. If a...
  6. waddles99

    RIR - 16.5wks Old Roo or Hen

    The real reason that your birds are scrawny and not meaty is because they are not Rhode Island Reds. They are production reds, a generic term for a red colored layer. True Rhode Island Reds will have a "brick" shape to them, and will be dual purpose birds. If you are looking to breed them...
  7. waddles99

    RIR - 16.5wks Old Roo or Hen

    That is a Production Red Cockerel.
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