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  1. wolftracks

    EE or pure? Also...gender?

    Learn something new every day. I've never seen a blue egg from a hatchery bird. EEs are usually mixed with either Araucanas or Ameraucanas. The color of the egg usually depends on what breed or breeds they used. I get some pink eggs, so the other breed nust have been a light brown or white...
  2. wolftracks

    EE or pure? Also...gender?

    Quote: We get sky blue eggs from one of our EE girls so while it may be pure chance as to what color you get (in eggs), I don't think you have to have a pure ameraucana. Our other EE does olive. We got our EE from a breeder around here though they were marketed as ameraucana's. How blue are...
  3. wolftracks

    EE or pure? Also...gender?

    He's very nice looking. If you want a blue egg though you're going to have to go pure AM and you won't find them at the feed stores. There are a lot of us on here that have pure AMs. I have 4 colors myself. Maybe you can find a breeder or owner near you with maybe a POL pullet for you. Are...
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