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  1. wyoDreamer


    @danceswithronin Have you considered a tractor to raise meat birds in? it would keep them separate from your flock, provide them with sunshine and fresh air, and provide them a secure place to move around in. My DH built me a chicken tractor to raise our meat birds in. I brood chicks out in...
  2. wyoDreamer


    2 years ago, my garden area was an old abandoned calf pen with grass/weeds about 3' tall. The first year we owned the place, a doe had a fawn hidden in that area for a couple of weeks, lol. I was still living in Wyoming with our dogs at that time. The grass roots were really thick - I hate...
  3. wyoDreamer


    My chickens were let out for the first time this year... They gathered around me like kids at a campfire waiting for a good story, lol. I had to go get some BOSS for them to search for in the grass to get them to even look down at the ground. This last batch of layers I got are just so silly...
  4. wyoDreamer


    Start now with some tomatoes in pots. Cherry tomatoes at the back door or spinach in the window box. Maybe some chives in a pot in the kitchen. Start somewhere and make it a part of your lifestyle. As you get stuff going, it will be easier to add more to your lifestyle.
  5. wyoDreamer


    The Pickle recipes in my "Bell Complete Book of Home Preserving" call for Boiling Water Bath (BWB), not pressure cooking. I love my steam canner - it uses less water and anything that calls for BWB canning can be done in a steam canner. With less water, it heats up faster so less time and...
  6. wyoDreamer


    My sister is thinking about getting rid of her goats. She got them to clean the brush out of the back of her lot and they have done that. However, they have also taken out the landscaping when they escaped - hers and the neighbors; they are very noisy - especially when she goes out in the...
  7. wyoDreamer


    I got a home weather station for Christmas. Now just got to get over the flu and find a sunny day for installing it.
  8. wyoDreamer


    I understand BO = Buff Orpingtons, EE = Easter Egger, RIR = Rhode Island Red, SS = Speckled Sussex; but I had never seen BE for Buckeye. Now that I asked, I know what BE stands for and will not need to ask again. This site is rank with abbreviations and quite a lot of misspellings and missing...
  9. wyoDreamer


    What is a BE?
  10. wyoDreamer


    vEry nice bunny hutch! That is a job well done. @itsasmallfarm Do you have a plan for preserving your bounty? I am always on the lookout for ideas that go beyond the freezer. For example, we love canned chicken. but I need to learn how to make pickles yet, lol.
  11. wyoDreamer


    I've got a 8x10 greenhouse kit from tractor supply in the barn, still in the box. We were supposed to get it put up this summer, but that never happened... We are going to put a gravel base under it, but other projects got in the way this summer. Hopefully, first thing next spring. Anyone have...
  12. wyoDreamer


    Good luck with the Badger trapping. My friend had a badger dig a den at the end of his driveway. Big one too! He went out with a shovel and a gun to fill in the hole. The next morning the hole had been dug out again - so he filled in the hole. After three times, the hole never go dug out...
  13. wyoDreamer


    not promoting you to eat venison or not to eat venison. It is an individual choice.
  14. wyoDreamer


    I can't find any detailed info on that study with the monkeys, nothing beyond the "monkeys were fed cwd positive meat and 2 tested positive for prion disease". I like to know the details because things are easily skewed to how someone wants it to sound. I did find a detailed report on how it...
  15. wyoDreamer


    I am guessing that the chicken porch will be covered with plastic to cut the wind and let light in. It will be a nice sunroom for the birds. My coop had something similar, but we put a piece of plexi-glass in the window and don't need the plastic anymore. I think the chickens preferred the...
  16. wyoDreamer


    Wyoming soil was rocks, sand, clay, and rocks. All covered in rotten granite - all the fine particles had blown away so the "chicken grit" was all that was left. In Wisconsin, people pay big money to haul in "rotten Granite" for making paths and such. It would take a shovel and a pry bar...
  17. wyoDreamer


    If the soil where you are is anything like it was in Wyoming, plan on raised bed gardening. The beauty of raised beds is the ease of covering the beds for extending the seasons. I had a 3'x7' raised bed garden (8" high) under a "growhouse" - which was simply greenhouse plastic on a wooden...
  18. wyoDreamer


    @Elyrian1 check out the publications that are available from the Colorado University Extension for native plants and gardening help. some of the Extension agents are very helpful. Colorado is going to be a huge learning curve for gardening and...
  19. wyoDreamer


    Great idea about the picture frame @rancher hicks ! love the pictures of your place, and yes, the metal fairies are wonderful. Hope your lovely wife is doing good.
  20. wyoDreamer


    DH and I spent 3 hours one Saturday running a single wire of electric fence around the base of a chain link fence. I had an escape artist and it took my husky 23 seconds to dig enough of a divot to allow her to squeeze out under the fence. After hooking up the fencer, we turned it on and...
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