To Assist or Leave Her *HELP*


Jun 20, 2015
Buxton, Maine
This baby piped Thursday morning, she started to unzip about 11:00 pm and only got about a 1/2 " hole going and then she kind of stopped. Last night I helped her unzip a little of the outside shell and noticed that the membrane was very white. (No issues at all with humidity, she was my first pip and so far the rest are doing great 6 already born) I took some warm water and lightly moistened it and then placed her back into the bator. I got up this morning and she still has not moved from this spot, she is still poking out her beak and I can see her breathing, however she is no longer chirping. I don't know if I should just help her out st this point or just let nature take it's course and hope for the best. PLEASE help, I do not want to be the reason she dies but I do want to give her a chance.

This baby piped Thursday morning, she started to unzip about 11:00 pm and only got about a 1/2 " hole going and then she kind of stopped. Last night I helped her unzip a little of the outside shell and noticed that the membrane was very white. (No issues at all with humidity, she was my first pip and so far the rest are doing great 6 already born) I took some warm water and lightly moistened it and then placed her back into the bator. I got up this morning and she still has not moved from this spot, she is still poking out her beak and I can see her breathing, however she is no longer chirping. I don't know if I should just help her out st this point or just let nature take it's course and hope for the best. PLEASE help, I do not want to be the reason she dies but I do want to give her a chance.

Sorry to see that no one stepped in to help you. How did she make out? This is what I believe, every chick deserves a chance. There are many that don't believe in helping. I have helped a few since I started hatching 2 years ago and have only lost one after hatch. In my experience helping has been a positive experience yeilding perfectly healthy/normal chicks.

A chick shouldn't take more than 1/2 an hour to complete a zip. Mine are usually out in 10-15 minutes. If they take longer than 1/2 there is usually something wrong, more than an hour- you can pretty much bet on something being wrong. If you are a helper like me, you finish the zip for the little guy.
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Zips go quick, there is a difference between a pip and a zip though... a pip means an egg full of yolk, and a hatch in 24 hrs. still when chick zips on its own then the yolk is absorbed.

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