BYC Member Interview - mississippifarmboy


Rest in Peace 1980-2020
Premium Feather Member
Jun 28, 2011
Terry, known to BYC members as mississippifarmboy, has been a member of our community since October 2008. One of our true BYC "Friends" and another of our wonderful all-rounders, he is known for his laid-back friendliness and good advice.

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself. (Family, hobbies, whatever personal stuff you feel like sharing)

My name is Terry Lambert and I'm 50 years old and live in Glen, Mississippi on the family farm. My wife and kids are pretty much my life. I met my wife Emily (EmtheFishLady) here on BYC. We were BYC friends, then met several times, started talking on the phone a lot then became friends in real life. Now we are married and living our "happily ever after". I have several grown children and we have four at home. My daughter Rhiannon from a previous marriage who is 16, Our daughter Lily who is 6, our son Connor (who we are adopting,( here is a link to the story of how we got him. ) who is 2 and our newborn son Luke who is just over two months old.

I currently work as a plumber and electrician, but my passion is farming. My wife and I always have a large garden every year and are starting a CSA garden this year. We raise about 85% of the food we eat right here on the farm. We live a very simple life and try to spend as much time with our family as we can. I love to read, write and fish and make hand crafted woodwork when I have time.

2. Why and when did you start keeping chickens?

I don't ever remember a time I HAVEN'T had chickens, but I got to have my own flock as a child of around six or seven, so at least 43 years I've had chickens. Our family always had a flock of at least 50 hens when I was growing up to provide our family with meat, eggs and fertiliser.

3. Which aspect(s) of chicken keeping do you enjoy the most?

The thing I enjoy most about keeping chickens is the calming effect they have for me. I enjoy watching them, feeding and taking care of them. It is relaxing to me to go out and spend time with our flocks. Over the years I've had as few as a single breed and only a dozen or so of those up to having around 20 breeds and literally thousands of birds. Right now we have around 60 head of around a half dozen or so breeds.

4. Which members of your flock, past and present, stand out for you and why?

With so many years of raising chickens, several stand out. My best rose comb Rhode Island red rooster, A little bantam rooster that used to flog me weekly as a kid, the first Orloffs that grew out with perfect coloring after many years of selective breeding. I try to never make pets of our chickens, but a few always get to be favourites anyway.

5. What was the funniest (chicken related) thing(s) that happened to you in your years as chicken owner?

I guess the funniest thing I've ever had happen to me was the great prank my wife pulled on me. This was a BYC prank and was before we started dating. I was so excited about a hatch of my Orloffs and she had sent me some eggs I forgot about. I thought they were Rhode Island Reds I think, and they were ugly lil Turkens! The link to the prank thread is here.

6. Beside chickens, what other pets do you keep?

Wow! Hard one. As a working farm we always have the common stuff like chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, guineas, doves, pigeons, quail, dogs, cats, goats, pigs and such. Over the years I've had tons of other critters including exotics. Cattle, horses, donkeys, raccoons, cougars, bears, hedgehogs, exotic cage birds, small monkeys, deer of several breeds, antelope, several breeds of reptiles, you name it.

7. Anything you'd like to add?

BYC has been a real life saver to me. Although I'm not able to be online much anymore because of work and a new baby, at one time it saved my sanity. I was a lurker for a while before I joined. I had been a member on the old board under a different name but never posted much if any. Then I had a heart attack and couldn't work or even get out of the house for months and BYC became my lifeline to the outside world. I have made many friends by meeting them here on BYC, some of which I am still very close to and I still enjoy getting on when I get the chance and chatting with everyone.

See here for more about the interview feature and a complete list of member interviews:
Great interview! Loved Connor's story....chickens have played a huge role in the lives of our two disabled granddaughters (Katie with mild autism and Kendra with Spina Bifida) so I know the magic in those feathers and scaly feet! I keep a list in my head of people here that I'd love to sit down in person and share coffee with - welcome to the list!
Very nice interview!

I don't think we've "talked" on the boards but I remember reading your son's story a while back. Now I get to read some of yours, thank you for doing an interview.

Best wishes to you and your family
I remember reading the Mississippi farm boy & Em the fish lady shenanigans when I was more of a lurker. You both have a great wit.
You have a lovely family.


I misspelled shenanigans.

you'd think around. here I'd have that down by now.
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