
The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
At 5 pm Pacific Tim the Trivia Challenge will begin.

Winner will be awarded a 6 month Gold Feather Membership, you can use it yourself, add to your current membership, or gift it to someone else.

A few tips and rules:

1. Open 2 or 3 windows, the questions will all be posted right here on post #1 (you will be asked to post links as answers to some questions.)

2. No posting pictures or custom smilies, and only one or two regular smilies if you really must. (we do not want to slow anyone down)

3. Please number your answers so I can more easily find them and tally the score.

4. One point for the correct answer - thats it.

5. No editing your post, once you've answered - thats it, no more answers. If you change your mind you can post again. Edited posts will not count.

6. One question will be posted at a time, whoever answers first wins the point. Whoever wins the most points WINS!!

7. Have FUN.... and good luck.


Questions: (total of 20 questions)

1. Which member is well known for whacking varmints with a shovel?

2. Find and post the link for Miss Prissy’s cinnamon rolls

3. Who is the 25,000th member?
(michigan Woods)

4. What is the average age a chicken will start laying eggs?
(daisy chick)
26 weeks or 6 months

5. Find and post a link with instructions on how to upload and post pictures

6. Which moderator recently had a baby?

7. Post the link of the forum thread started by a moderator that shows the difference between a fertile and infertile egg.

9. Find and post a link describing how to boil eggs so they peel easily.
(sundownwaterfowl - she was first and daisy chick - she found one that was done by a member)

10. How many replies are there to the Put Faces with Name (Post your Mug Here) thread?

11. Find and post the recipe index started by a moderator.

12. What date did BYC reach 22,222 members?

13. Post the link where you have or will show off your first egg.

14. Find and post the member submitted page on Silkies.

15. Where did BYC member Wildsky go on vacation recently?
South Africa

16. Which BYC member is known as the BYC Hippie?

17. Post the link to Speckledhen's Ten Commandments of Good Flock Management.

18. Which moderator is a Teacher?
The Chicken Lady

19. What two days of the week are the busiest on BYC?
(daisy chick)
Sundays and Mondays

20. Which moderator recently moved?

AND THE WINNER IS.....................


Andy 123 was only 1 question behind her!!!!

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