chicken with green legs


8 Years
Apr 3, 2011
I had a chick that was my daughters pet, she died yesterday I would love to get her another of the same breed. This was a brown chick with white spots almost marked like a hawk, but she had green legs. Can anyone tell me what type of breed this is? The breeder I purchased my chicks from this was the " free" exotic chick.
Sounds like one of my Easter Eggers. ddawn is right, ask your feed store is they sell and "Ameraucanas" or "Araucanas". Though EE's can come in different patterns, so you may not get the exact coloring you're looking for.

Here's a picture of my EE's. Did your look something like this?
EE should be easy to find this time of year. Any chick with willow green legs is a potential EE chick. Look under name Americauna in the hatchery listings. Sorry for your loss. If it is imperative, you can order only 3 chicks from My Pet chicken.

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