Salmon Faverolles chick sexing


9 Years
Sep 1, 2010
OK. I know your supposed to be able to tell gender at about 2 weeks of age according to wing color (salmon for girls, black for boys). Certainly seems simple doesn't it? My 6 faverolles chicks all look different, from pure white wings (what is up with that?!) to varying amounts of brown white and grey. I am so confused!! If you can, please help sort me out!! These birds are all right at 2 weeks old.








If I had to guess I would think that they were all girls except for maybe #6 b/c its not true black on their wings, more like a combination of redish brown and grey brown. Even number 6 I'm not sure about, but they can't ALL be girls can they? I hatched them out myself so they are straight run. All suggestions welcome!
from what I understand- black on the cockerel, and salmon brown on the pullet, any brown is a pullet. White? Not sure- are you sure its a Salmon Faverolle?
As sure as I can be. These were shipped eggs bought on ebay. None of the other eggs in that hatch hatched except for 1 black silkie so there's no way I got it mixed up. I suppose the seller could have gotten the eggs mixed up. It has 5 toes and bushy cheeks though....
I believe there are White Favorelles occassionally, I am not sure if it is a genetics flub up with the salmon gene or maybe seller had whites too and got egg mixed in.
Looks like you got 5 salmon pullets and a white ?.
Wow! What luck! I wonder if something about the storage and shipping did something to the male eggs. I wonder if they're like humans, males are more fragile.
I actually had a 100% hatch rate on these eggs (they didnt have to travel very far). So all pullets would just be extraordinary luck. Its actually kinda hilarious b/c I was thinking I wanted to keep a fav rooster. On the hatch b4 this I didnt want any roosters and ended up with 9/15. It all evens out in the end I guess
I wonder if I should inquire to the breeder about the white chick and see what she thinks.

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