Freedom Rangers lay white eggs?


11 Years
Oct 30, 2008
Lake Waccamaw, NC
Anyone else getting white eggs from your rangers?

Ranger eggs on top, barred rock on bottom.

Are they early pullet eggs? Some of my Ranger eggs have started out very light beige and gotten darker with time. I think sometimes the pigment factory takes some time getting in gear.
Actually, I got these girls in spring of 09 so they have been laying for awhile.
They are a bit "long in the tooth". They always ate more and laid less than
my DP birds, but now the rate of lay and the fertility have dropped massively.
They will be taking a joy ride in the EZplucker followed by a relaxing soak in
the pastry hot tub.

I have been weeding out the weaker layers for the last few months and its now
down to just 5. Its funny how those were mostly ones that always laid white eggs.
It will be interesting to see how their offspring lay.

Edited to add this: forgot to mention, the white egg layers all seem to be tricolors.
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freedom rangers are a mix of 7 (i think 7) different breeds. ours were laying brown eggs.

i would imagine just like easter eggers, which are a mix of different breeds, they could lay different colored eggs?

one of ours laid a brown egg (standard brown, not light or dark). as we were processing our hens, another had a pullet egg that was almost white, still in the egg tract. don't now whether it was going to be a whitish egg, or if it just hadn't been "painted" yet
Crperdue, what do your tricolors look like? In our initial batch of 26 FRs, we got one dark chick that grew out brown and gray. Along with the typical red and buff, one golden chick developed multi-colored barring. Is one of those called tricolor? We kept the barred rooster and used him over four FR hens to hatch some chicks. Most of the chicks feathered out with some degree of visible barring and some have grown out brown and gray. A lot of them have lacing which I think is a columbian pattern? Lots of variation in colors and patterns among the chicks (I also crossed the roo with RIR and BO hens).

Love your description of the joy ride and relaxing soak
I had three different rangers: Red, Tricolor, and a light tan/yellow.

The yellows didn't grow as fast so were not held over for breeding.
Pics of the tricolor and red roosters are below. Don't have any pics
of the hens handy.


Those look light brown to me.
I've never seen Freedom Rangers with white earlobes, I think those are just really really pale brown eggs.
I'm sure my camera on my phone isn't the greatest to judge colors by. When I'm holding them they sure look chalk white. Same as my Anconas and barred hollands lay. I do have at least one Ranger that is laying a light brown egg but she always seems to lay a double yolk so can't really hatch that. (yeah I know is has been done but i'm not bothering).

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