CHICKENS IN THE WINTER!!!!.......HEAT...or NO HEAT??????????

We are down to 28 degrees here this morning and I don't use heat in my coop. The girls were right at the door waiting to get out. Right now they are out pecking around in the yard. I put in a heated dog bowl and it worked great. It didn't freeze the water and the water was perfect temperature. Not hot and not cold. I love it and recomend it. BTW that article says it all. Don't heat the coop (with fully grown birds). Thank you for sharing for those who have questions.
flowergirl, i just got the heated pet bowl too.....but i have not used it you just fill that bowl, or do you set something inside it to make it easy to change the water??
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Yep! 16 degrees this morning....chickens free ranging just fine

And 7 eggs yesterday
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I usually don't worry about it, unless the temp goes sub zero (0 F), and/or before big storms/blizzards. Most chickens (and especially the northern breeds) seem to have no trouble with this kind of stuff. Just make sure they have some places available to get out of the wind, and a well-ventilated (dry! -- not humid) but draft-free area to sleep at night. You'll need to figure out a way to keep their water from freezing, and/or bring water out to them a couple times a day. They will also need/eat extra food to help stay warm.

Consider that most other animals acclimate to this stuff as well -- nobody heats a coop for wild birds (e.g. turkeys, pheasants, etc.), and they generally do just fine.
Good article, especialy the part about how you can actually cause HARM (Even death), to your chickens by subjecting them to artificial heat. All in some misguided attempt to "Help" them. Talk about killing them with kindness, there you go.

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