Sometimes it's not the end


Spam Hunter
12 Years
Nov 6, 2009
I was at my daughter's this weekend taking care of the baby and driving two older kids to work and the youngest son to his games and came home saturday afternoon to check on my animals.

First stop was the brooder. I had one project chick in there from a roo I sold and didn't want to lose. The other chicks were running and flying all over, but my project chick was dead. I was heartbroken. I added feed and water and then did the 10 pens, the dogs, and the rabbits. My last job was to remove the chick. I picked it up and it was limp, the head fell to the side, but a foot moved. I didn't think I could save it as far gone as it was, but I didn't want to lose this chick.

I brought it in, grabbed a syringe and started giving it a drop or 2 of water at a time. I made a mash out of 30% gamebird fed and managed to pry it's mouth oppen and add just tiny amounts. Grabbed the Poly Vi Sol and had to force a couple of drops to go into the dropper. I was out! Then more water. I had almost given up with it peeped. I knew I had a little fighter, so I gave it more water and mash and then wrapped it up and grabbed a box. Glad my daughter was out of town, she'd have had a fit with me taking a chicken to her house.

I got to her house and sat on the front porch dripping more water at the side of it's beak until it would open up and swallow. I had to pick my grandson up from his game, which I missed because I took so long at home and then stopped at Walgreens and got more vitamins. I gave a couple of drops and followed with a couple of drops of water. Two hours later, my dead chick was drinking from a cut down yogurt container which also had the vitamins added. By morning she/he was pecking at feed I had scattered onto napkins and trying to move around the box. Later that night it was calling for more feed and yesterday was all over the place and flying out of the box. Now back in to brooder with the others. I don't think I've ever saved one that far gone and hope there's never another one, but I really though I was removing a dead chick till that foot kicked.

So with a little work and some time and some good ole Poly Vi Sol (love this stuff!) losing a chick my not be the only option.
That is great! Congrats on being such a good "mom!"
I'm just so glad I didn't lose this one. I have another from the same roo, but it had a slayed leg. I had just had surgery and didn't work at getting it straight for a couple of days and it wasn't going good, so I've tried and tried to tape them, but the leg is even worse. Kind of mad at myself I sold that roo now, but he was the loudest, most consistant crower and I was worried he'd cause a problem with my neighbors. Sure wish I had him now.

Poly Vi Sol has been a miracle drug here. I used it the first time when a lady down the street that I had never met, asked it I'd look at her Silkie chick. It had wry neck. I searched all over for this stuff with no iron, but no one had it. Finally saw a Baby's R Us off the freeway and took a chance. I gave it to her chick and in minutes it looked a little better. Then I went down and gave it more the next morning and next night and it was fine after that. Since then if I have a weak chick I grab the bottle and I also add it to the water when they first hatch. Still I think I used this bottle for just over a year before I ran out. OH and I did drop it once and spilled 1/2 of it, so if not for that I would have still had it. At least I know now that I can find it not too far and near my daughter's house, so that was good to know.
It's liquid baby vitamins. Only use the one without iron. Wry neck happens sometimes when there is a vitamin deficiency. The neck literally twists around backwards.
I'm glad your little chick is doing better!

Thank you for sharing this, I've lost two chicks in the past two days(this makes 8 this spring), and I have two more down in the brooder. I've got them on vitamin and electrolyte mix from the feed store, and giving them eggs and kefir. The fact that your little one appeared to be dead, and still made a recovery gives me hope that maybe these girls will pull through too.
I'm glad your little chick is doing better!

Thank you for sharing this, I've lost two chicks in the past two days(this makes 8 this spring), and I have two more down in the brooder. I've got them on vitamin and electrolyte mix from the feed store, and giving them eggs and kefir. The fact that your little one appeared to be dead, and still made a recovery gives me hope that maybe these girls will pull through too.
I've gone the same way you are doing it. It's worked for the most part, but I swear by the baby vitamins. They just seem to work so fast and you only use a couple of drops. I hope your chicks get better. I just hate losing a bird. I've become a little more able to deal with it, but I'm still one of those people who just can't handle it well. Getting better though.

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