This is how P-Dawg got his name...

Ooh I did that with Peep when he was smaller...He never got many car rides...Just a few. Every time he would poop on me so I always had a towel in my lap. They are pretty good at ridding in the car especially when they are smaller...

Another peafowl car ride story is when we bought a peacock and we had the tailgait down so his train could hang out of the box and people were tailgaiting us the whole way pointing and looking. I had so much fun watching people's reactions. I can just imagine what people would do if they were driving or at a light and they look over and see a peacock in the vehicle like a dog. XD
Ooh I did that with Peep when he was smaller...He never got many car rides...Just a few. Every time he would poop on me so I always had a towel in my lap. They are pretty good at ridding in the car especially when they are smaller...

Another peafowl car ride story is when we bought a peacock and we had the tailgait down so his train could hang out of the box and people were tailgaiting us the whole way pointing and looking. I had so much fun watching people's reactions. I can just imagine what people would do if they were driving or at a light and they look over and see a peacock in the vehicle like a dog. XD

P-Dawg is just gorgeous.

I brought a gosling home once, bought off Craigslist. They kinda lied about how old he was ("couple of weeks") but there was a slight language barrier. The gosling was easily 6 or 7 weeks old and was terrified in the box we scrounged up to hold him. After two blocks of trying to drive with one arm whilst also trying to keep Angus from hurting himself, I just stopped. Tucked him into my jacket in my lap, and resumed my 30 mile trip.

It only took a few minutes before he poked his head out of my jacket and started to look around. I know several people saw us, as I was in mid-town commuter traffic at 6 pm. Angus and I were pretty bonded by the time we got home.

But a peacock beats all!

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