Hudson Valley NY *chat thread*

I live about 20 mins away from you in Highland !! i only have about a flock of 15 but when spring comes ill have more :)
Glad somone joined my thread!!!
What breeds do you have?
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Yay! Local peeps! I'm from New Windsor.
I have 13 chicks and I'm very ready to evict them from the family room (it's starting to smell like a barnyard in there!) and into the coop as soon as my DH finishes up a few last minute details but I'm afraid to in case the weather gets cold again. They're all between 4-5 weeks old.

Any thoughts?


Okay~ Husband convinced me the Girls should sleep in their coop tonight. I think I'm having separation anxiety!
Theu should be fine for the night.. It is going to rain tomorrow, so i would just keep an eye on them durring the day to make sure they dont get wet. I have always put mine out a 4-5 weeks when the weather is nice.
They should be fine, so dont stress!
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Thanks Coupe! They were fine but I will definitely bring them in the house tonight if the weather gets too cool. There's no electricity in their coop so we can't put the heat lamp in there. But, the coop is insulated. What's the lowest temperature they can tolerate without a heat lamp?
Right now..i wouldnt leave them outside if it dropa below 50.. At 8 weeks they should be able to handle being outside full time..but right now i just wouldnt chance it..i know tonight it is going to drop to 47. So i would bring them in tonight.

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