Injured hen wound turning green - PICTURES INCLUDED


9 Years
Apr 7, 2010
We have a three-year old mixed-breed hen, Pippin, who was attacked by the neighbor's dog about three days ago. She had some skin and muscle torn off of the "elbow" of her wing, but was otherwise unharmed. We have kept her inside and alone, and cleaned her wound every day with diluted hydrogen peroxide, soapy water, and neosporin. After getting over the stress of the attack itself, she has seemed fine and has been eating and drinking normally. Her wound looks better every day. We've put her back out in the run with the other girls, and she seems to be doing all right. However, we noticed this morning that parts of the wounded area that have skin covering them have turned green, seemingly under the skin. What does this mean? Does she have an infection? Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you very much!!
you've done the right thing and it should heal just fine. Wound looks really good. If it doesn't smell bad it's probably just damaged tissue and she will be good as new in no time. I've seen green show up after giving them a shot, that's just the color from bruising (yellow skin and black and blue bruise = green in chickens) - it is alarming but it seems in your case it is OK.

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