Need quieter hens!


May 13, 2010
New Hampshire
For some reason my 9 hens have gotten annoying noisy habits. Really, only 2 of them are the main instigators, I think. They're going to have to go, for the neighbors' sakes. Both of them are RIRs, altho one has side muffs (bearded?), and I'm not sure the technical breed for that, I think she's a cross anyway.

I've never heard my dominique make noise. So maybe I'll get more dominiques.

What do you all think? Do you have problems with noisy hens? Do you have certain breeds you feel are less likely to wake up the neighborhood at 6 a.m. squawking?

BTW, my chickens have a nice run with food/water, and I let them out by 11 a.m. to free range, so it's not like they have a lot to complain about, they have a great life.
My flock of 8 chickens are sooo quiet, you wouldnt even know I had chickens. They are EE's and RIR's. They are super spoiled, I think that is what makes them quiet.
I have two RIRs. One of the RIRs is a bit noisy and the other is quiet.

I have two Cinnimon queens, both are pretty loud, but not loud enough to annoy any neighbors I don't think.

My jersey giant is pretty quiet.

I have a friend with a jersey giant roo and he says it is really loud.

Here are my two squalkers.
If your flock is young, right before beginning to lay, they may be more vocal than usual. Other than that, the answer is likely that their just being chickens.

Wish ya the best.
My Black Star and Red Star are very quiet....maybe just lucky. So is my Speckled Sussex. My Ancona never shuts up...common in this breed.
Oh my gosh, my Speckled Sussex is so loud! She's a spoiled, rotten, demanding brat! Of course I love her dearly, but I want to muzzle her. She's by far the loudest of my 5. My GLW is a bit mouthy, but nowhere near my SS.
My hens are all very quiet, including the RIRs. My two roosters do all the noise making here in my neck of the woods! Not sure what contributes to hens wanting to sqwauck (sp??), but I so rarely hear them that I could barely tell you what they sound like. Interesting thing to ponder, wish I could offer up more advice.

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