

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 31, 2013
Cedarhome, Washington
Could anyone verify if this is fowl pox on my rooster? If so, I will not worry about it. If it might be something else, I'd be happy to hear your ideas. Also, why is it called fowl pox rather than chicken pox? Thanks.
To me it looks more like he was picked at by another rooster (I read in your New Member intro that you recently got rid of another rooster). Did the two squabble? If it's that the scabs will just flake off. That all being said, I'm certainly not a vet - just taking a stab at your question. Good luck to you!
I never noticed the two roosters squabbling, or even the hens pecking at him. Could be bugs I suppose. In any event, it does not appear to need any particular attention other than monitoring. Thanks for the quick responses.
He is already looking better. I'm guessing the second rooster and he were mixing it up a bit. Second rooster now lives next door with his own group of ladies. My bedroom is between the two coops so I am enjoying the morning crowing in stereo.
It does not look like he has Fowl Pox. It is more likely that he has been picked on by another bird, or scratched his comb on something else. It should heal quite well on its own, but you can help by putting antibiotic ointment (as long as it doesn't end in "caine") on the comb.

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