Ended Contest #4 Brinsea’s Cutest Baby Fowl Photo Contest 5th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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Sally Sunshine

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 23, 2012

So many fantastic entries!
This contest is always difficult to judge.
But, there can only be one winner.

The winner of the Cutest Baby Fowl Contest is.........




Contest #4

Brinsea’s Cutest Baby Fowl Photo Contest!

5th Annual 2014 Easter Hatch-a-long!

We are looking for the cutest baby Fowl out there!


A Panel of Judges will
determine the winner!

The Prize:
Mini Advance Incubator

Courtesy of Brinsea


Like them on facebook

Contest Rules:
Entries welcome for all types of Domestic fowl – chickens, ducks, peafowl, geese, quail, etc.
No photoshopping Allowed.

Open to all BYC members in the U.S. and Canada (if the winner is from Canada, you might need to pay shipping)
Must be your picture, taken between October 1st, 2013 to April 30th, 2014
Baby fowl must be less than one month old

Maximum of 2 entries per member

Deadline for entry is April 30th, 2014 at midnight PST

If you have not joined in the Easter Hatch-a-long, join us here:
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Bantambury, you're setting the bar high. Great photos and cute chicks!

haha thanks! I used my mom's new camera she got for Christmas....I probably used her camera more than she has on getting great pics of those chicks! now they just don't sit still long enough to have their picture taken! hahahahah
How many times are we allowed to submit photos? xD Cuz I might go crazy with my cuties.
In any case, Here is my pride and joy, Woodstove the survivor! Born February 12th! Last night another batch from his parents started hatching so I hope to take some cutie pictures of those babies too ^^
How many times are we allowed to submit photos? xD Cuz I might go crazy with my cuties.
In any case, Here is my pride and joy, Woodstove the survivor! Born February 12th! Last night another batch from his parents started hatching so I hope to take some cutie pictures of those babies too ^^
Maximum of 2 entries per member

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