hello from indiana!


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 28, 2014
I just wanted to introduce myself as a new member here at BYC. I have been a long time reader, but for whatever reason always spaced joining (bird-brained?)

This is my third year as a chicken addict, and this year will be my first to start breeding and incubating my chickens. It's also my first year raising chickens for meat instead of just for eggs and weird looks from the neighbors :)

Currently, I have 3 barred rocks, 3 golden buffs, 3 white leghorns, 8 young pioneers, and I'm looking add getting a few phoenix by the end of June.

We also have 5 dogs, 4 cats, 37 blue tilapia, and 3 pacu fish. Count my 2 adorable teenagers and it really is a zoo!

I look forward to reading and talking with everyone that has the same OCD (obsessive chicken disorder) as myself :)
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Good luck with your breeding and incubating projects!
Welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us! We have a contest running for our new members, if you are interested. Rules and how to enter here:


Enjoy the site!

Welcome to BYC!

Sounds like you have a plan! Enjoy all your poultry adventures and welcome to our flock!
Hi, I am on the west side of Danville in Hendricks County. I will definitely check it out- thanks!
Thank you- I've already found this site very helpful, and I'm looking forward to learning a lot more :)
Thanks for the welcome and the contest info! I've used this site as a valuable reference in the past, and I'm happy to now participate as a member :)

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