Automatic Hen door opener-Copied from NYCue


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 12, 2014
Johnstown New York
Just to set things straight - the original and very clever idea of using water buckets and water pumps absolutely belongs to NYCue - see thread here:

However, I wanted something in preparation for winter: the ability to operate the hen door opener via internet - primarily in case we are out of town and friends are caring for the chickens, but did not want to make them come over 6 in the morning. Second: there is something really comforting about being able to open the hen door from coop to run without having to get into snow first thing upon waking up (and they get up at 6am still). So, we made an opener which can be operated over the internet and has lights which tell us if the operation was successful, either in the open or closed position.
Here is a picture:

Sorry 'bout the sideway view; the original is correctly situated - of course, the bottles should be moving up and down, not sideways


the IpPower controlled is at

It is simply a box with 4 110V outlets, each can be turned off or on via internet.
at the bottom plate is a cutout in which I have each placed a DTDP switch - then the water bottle is filled and comes down it activates the double pole switch - this turns off the power (running through a simple relay) and also activates a little 12V trailer light indicating the action is complete. I then turn off the power over the internet at the box (double safety).

Let me know if you need specifics on the relay and DTDP switch, each inexpensive.

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