10 days old

  1. mandymcg05

    Are these EEs or did I get played?

    Hey guys! I found this lady online ( I know. Insert eye roll) and she advertised that she had a ton of EEs that hatched around 4/20 (she was unsure of the date) So I go to her place to pick them out. There’s literally HUNDREDS of baby chicks there. And then she’s like “oh there’s probably some...
  2. BlackSheepWhiteFeathers

    Losing Chicks One by One, Not Thriving...

    I’ve started to lose chicks one by one since they turned 7 days old, they started to get pasty butt a few days after I’d gotten them when they were around 4 days old, starting with the White Marans, and then later my Buff Brahma (which was the spunkiest most vigorous chick). The smallest go...
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