15 weeks

  1. D


    Hello! New chicken mom here. I’ve got 15 chickens all at 15 weeks old. They look like crap right now and I’m trying to figure out if it’s one of their juvenile molts or something else. I’ll attach pics. You can see the white tips on their heads and how scraggly they look. Also, coop looks like a...
  2. bacibeau

    How close is my Buff Orp pullet to laying?

    Hi everyone! My Buff Orps are 15 weeks old today and one of them looks a little more mature than the other so I'm hoping she'll lay eggs soon. She kind of does the squat thing but I read online that she doesn't necessarily have to squat to be laying eggs. Does anyone have any idea how long until...
  3. W

    14-15 week Wyandotte sex?

    hi, I have a 14-15 week old Wyandotte. It started having comb/wattle redness at around 10 weeks and have gotten redder and more pronounced. There are one or two iridescent green feathers coming in the tail area. They don’t look sickle shape to me and I can’t tell if the saddle feathers are round...
  4. harice4806

    Silkie is a bit older now...

    Alright friends...still having gender identity issues with this one. Hoping for a pullet. As I have 2 confirmed roos in the group of 4. They're all 15.5 weeks and my polish boy has been crowing a few weeks now. Zero combs/waddles and super sweet
  5. bantiemomma7

    What gender is my old English game bantam?

    This is Lou my little crooked toe Old English Game Bantam. He/She is 15 weeks old. I have no idea how to tell the sex of this breed as this is the first I’ve had. I have no idea what the gender is and I don’t know much about the breed. If you have any info about the breed or gender please let me...
  6. A

    14 week Lav Ameracaunas Hen or Roo?

    Hens or Roos? 14-15 week Lavendar Ameracaunas. Photo of both in middle of thread. Hoping for Hens! I'm stumped tho! Any thoughts about gender? Thanks!! 'Gal' on the Right 'Gal' on the left from top pic of them both, sorry will try for side shots tomorrow. No visable pointy saddle or...
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