2 week ducklings

  1. Quacking ducks

    What breed or gender ducklings

    About 3 weeks ago I hatched a duckling, the first week it lived with only chicks but now it has a duckling friend. I think it is either a Ancona or a magpie but I can’t tell which. What do you think? Any idea if it’s a male or female? I also have a 2 week old khaki Campbell. is it too early to...
  2. hannnnnah

    Can I give my ducklings anything to boost immunity?

    Hi! I’ve seen a couple of posts and articles suggesting supplemental use of garlic, oregano, and acv in water. I’ve also seen some people advising against it. What are your experiences? Is it safe for ducklings? I want my ducklings to grow up healthy and strong, so I’m open to doing anything...
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