
  1. Lils Roost

    Return of Cocci ?

    So a little over a month ago, I had a major bloody stool, intestinal lining thing hit my flock. I put them on corid; 1tsp per 1 gal for the 7 days. I could still see some blood so treated them again : 2 tsp per gal. with NutriDrench. From there, I had one or two with foamy poop and some...
  2. S

    Sick chicken

    My hen is gurgling when she breaths. Which I would assume is some sort of respitory infection. It just started last night. She's worse today and now she has her bum hanging down. I put honey and apple cider vinegar in her water and red pepper flakes and oregano in her food, but I don't think...
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