
  1. B

    Hatching Horror!

    Do I have a story for you all!!! Hi everyone. I am new here and new to hatching eggs. That said, I have raised and helped bring into this world many things from fish to goats to dogs to a human, and now I am raising and hatching chicks. If any of you have experienced what I am about to tell...
  2. Kitkat1992

    Need help assisting duck egg....asap

    28 days incubation period last 3 days have been lockdown Made a safety hole this morning Externally Pipped slightly by the safety hole I assisted by chipping some of shell away to better understand what was going on yolk is still being absorbed Chirping Beak motions still present (chewing)...
  3. AllFluffedUp

    Neighbor interfered

    I'm making a second post as I'm not sure who will see my response in my first. I was staggering a few batches of silkie eggs. Batch one hatched beautifully and I have a bundle of lovely floofs. The day after my Mom had a stroke. I've been back and forth frequently, but I've also had my neighbor...
  4. S

    Help! I have a hatch in need of assistance.

    I have 2 ducklings stuck in their shells. They were due on May 1st and once I saw they were still alive I began to assist. I only had 6 in the incubator so I was trying to get these 2 out. What should I do? I’ll attach a picture of the one.
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