
  1. LoLosChickens78

    7 Week old Barnevelder, hen or roo?

    My Barnevelder is 7 weeks old. Starting to think it may be a male. It has always stood tall, has a pointy tail, more black blueish than laced. Lots of red on comb, waddles and face. What do you think, is it a Rosie or a Romeo? Attaching younger pictures as well.
  2. View from the Coop

    Are these all little roos?

    Out of 22 eggs I had 10 successfully hatch in mid-late October (6-7 weeks). I am all but certain these 5 are boys. Breeds are Pekins, Black Copper Marans and Barnavelder. Many thanks!!
  3. View from the Coop

    Marans or Barnavelder?

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