barred rock gender

  1. S

    Is my 5 1/2 week old barred rock a hen or a rooster?

    Hey I’m New to chickens and I have 4 barred rock chicks that are 5 1/2 weeks old. They all look about the same and I bought them all as female from a hatchery. it doesn’t look like they have any waddles growing and have pretty small combs and also have a very dark wash on their legs but I’ll...
  2. J

    I want to know what gender my chicken is! Please help

    Can anyone tell me if my chicken is a male or female by these pictures
  3. elisenhchicky23

    New Member hello & suspected rooster!

    We live in NH and are new to chickens. We got 12 chicks at one day old from a local garden store. 4 Easter Eggers, 4 Barred Rocks, and 4 Rhode Island Reds. We would like to get more into homesteading as we have 12 acres of land and a nice garden. We felt chickens would be next on our list. They...
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