black asian

  1. NiteMareTender

    Hiya all!

    I'm Mare and my husband and I started raising chickens and ducks last year. We started small with 3 hens and a roo and then added some meat birds as well as more Pekins to go with our duckers (Pekins and Rouen) last summer. We got hooked and have added around 2 dozen new chickens to our flock...
  2. ChickenPerson999999

    What does a Asian Silkie Cross look like?

    I have a black Asian chicken who acts like a show bird and is super friendly she ain’t the prettiest but she’s adorable and hyper with big bot black eyes what will it look like crossed with a silkie?
  3. Fourwaldens

    Sex help with Asian Blacks

    A friend and I split a few Asian Black pullets from TsC to add to our respective flocks/other chicks. Neither of us can find a lot online about sexing these since they aren’t a recognized breed. We both live in a county where only hens are allowed so we want to make sure now that we do in fact...
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