blue mille fleur

  1. bantamgenetics23

    Color, Quality, and thoughts about my Cochin Bantam Rooster

    Hi all! I am posting a photo of my Cochin Bantam Rooster. I am just getting started with Mille Fleurs, Calicos, and Mottled bantam cochins. Could you all give me some advice on color of this guy? Blue Mille was thrown around from someone I know but I wasn't sure if that was the case. He does...
  2. F

    Free Old English Game Bantam Cockerel

    Beautiful Blue Mille Fleur Old English bantam cockerel (young rooster) that is just over 3 months old, purchased with a variety of bantam straight run chicks from a Texas hatchery. All were vacinnated for Merek's at the hatchery the day they hatched on April 28. I've raised them indoors in an...
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