break broody hen

  1. andreamunroe

    Breaking a broody in freezing weather?

    One of my Buff Orpingtons has gone broody, again (she went broody in the fall too). I have a seedling heater mat in the nest box to prevent frozen eggs- which is obviously not helping cool her down haha. I’ve been reading about the wire-bottom cage method- but it goes down to -15 or -20’C here...
  2. CanadaEh

    Broodiness affect on other chickens

    Can blocking nest for the night (by hanging empty feed bag over the entrance) for 2 nights in a row to break one broody hen can cause stress in other chickens - enough to drop egg production from 6-7 to 3-4 out of 7 hens? Alternatively, can one hen's broodiness by itself cause slowing in egg...
  3. Leine

    Broody Hen... Help!

    One of my Buff Orpingtons has recently gone broody. There are currently no roosters in the coop, and she is with six other hens. She had been coming outside for a few minutes for food, but today she stayed in the nesting box. I haven't tried taking the eggs yet, but I don't think it's going to...
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